INVESTING in green skills and jobs can rebuild the economy and deal with the challenges of climate change and rising commodity prices, says a report out today.
The Welsh Assembly Government’s adviser on sustainability is asking for further investment in the green economy as the recession provides a difficult period for business.
Renewable energy jobs, sustainable transport and making homes more energy efficient are some of the key areas for investment, according to the Sustainable Development Commission.
A Sustainable New Deal urges the UK Government to invest £30bn a year over the next three years on a green recovery package. Provisional calculations suggest this could create 800,000 jobs.
Launching the report at Swansea’s Liberty Stadium today, the commission’s economics commissioner, Professor Tim Jackson, said: “The current economic crisis has the potential to seed the economic opportunities of tomorrow.
“But it demands courage and vision today. The Welsh Assembly Government has an opportunity to invest in the skills and jobs needed to build a more resilient, low-carbon economy.”
The Welsh Assembly Government is committed to a 3% annual cut in carbon emissions in areas of devolved competence from 2011. It also has an aspiration of zero-carbon new buildings from 2011.
Peter Davies, the commissioner for Wales, said: “We welcome the Welsh Assembly Government’s proposal to make sustainable development the central organising principle for government.
“Its work to support jobs through the recession, develop a green jobs strategy and create a low-carbon zone in the Heads of the Valleys provide a good starting point for the transition to a low- carbon economy and addressing the threat of climate change.”
The commission is publishing its advice to ministers in the lead-up to the Budget on April 22.
It comes as a leading professor has estimated that the solar industry has the power to create a minimum of 12,000 jobs in Wales in the next 16 years.
Glyndr University’s Professor Stuart Irvine announced the findings after research into the photovoltaic (PV) industry in Wales, which predicts an extra 1000 new jobs by 2011 and 12,000 new jobs by 2025.
The research was conducted on behalf of the OpTIC technium in Wrexham and the Welsh Opto-electronic Forum and said that the jobs will be in a range of areas from the factory floor through to research.
Prof Irvine said: “The 12,000 figure is actually very conservative. It is quite possible that this figure could be considerably higher.
“North Wales has a strong industrial base as far as solar energy and research into solar energy is concerned and we believe this is an area which will grow considerably during the next few years. As the industry grows obviously there will be a knock-on effect of more jobs being created.”
by Aled Blake, Western Mail