On April 17th, “going green” also means becoming health. Since the Federal Government has declared that emissions pose a danger to public health, environmental policies and emission standards will become an unquestionable need and not just a debate to support public health.
It is clear that the bush administration’s policies are receding. Concerns for global warming were previously ignored and regarded as an economic decision and not a health or environmental need.
The Obama administration is leading future regulations well by providing a clear example of their beliefs. The automobiles used will be standardized to reduce carbon dioxide admissions but cars are not the only intended change. Scientists also claim that emissions from power plants are a large contributor of global climate change.
Legislation will be debated on how to carry out this new declaration of public health risks and the white house will be a strong advocate for speedy change.
On April 21st the Environmental Protection Agency supported a new bill with a far reach for change. A summary Analysis of climate change became available titled “EPA Analysis of the Waxman-Markey Discussion Draft: The American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009”
With all the changes proposed new jobs will certainly follow in supporting renewable energy jobs and environmental jobs.